Chloe Chewter, August 24 2020


What are calories anyway? Lets take a look at this video to find out...

There are generally two main approaches to calories, which I am going to call Quantity and Quality.


The Quantity approach says that it is simply about calories in vs calories out. In other words, the amount of calories you eat should be equal to the amount you use in order to maintain your weight. To lose weight you should have less calories going in than out, and to gain weight you should consume more calories than you use.

This sounds sensible, but you will also hear people say that you can eat what you like as long as you don't exceed your calorie limit.


The Quality approach says that all calories are not equal; calories from junk food will be bad for your body, while calories from plant based whole foods are good for you. Therefore, you can eat as much as you want as long as it is calories from healthy foods.

Quantity and Quality

I think the answer is actually a combination of both approaches.

- It is important to have a rough idea of your daily calorie requirements/usage, and to know what that looks like in a day as food.

I don't believe in counting every calorie you eat, as this can result in an unhealthy relationship with food, and obsessive behaviour. However, it is useful to know roughly what your calorie intake and usage is. If you eat too much, you will eventually gain weight, regardless of how healthy that food is. If you have a very active lifestyle you need to make sure you are eating enough.

- It is important to eat foods that are going to meet your nutrient requirements as well as your calorie needs

1000 calories of chocolate cake is not going to provide you with the same nutrients as 1000 calories of fresh fruit and veg. Energy is easy to get from food, but getting the correct nutrients is a little more specific. Fresh, whole foods will provide you with a good supply of nutrients and vitamins, as well as energy. Processed and refined foods are generally higher in calories, and lower in nutrients.

Written by

Chloe Chewter

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